THE LEAK Read online

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  “Because I don’t like none of them niggaz. These mutha fuckas out here selling pipe dreams like they’re living the life, but I know the truth behind the mask. Don B. is the devil in disguise and Big Dawg Entertainment is hell on earth. Fuck all them niggaz!” Tech snapped. He had a deep hatred for Don B. that went back to a time before him and Animal started getting money together. Don B.’s artist True had a beef with some cats and Yoshi ended up getting caught in the crossfire when they came for him. In an attempt to find the shooters Jah signed on as True’s bodyguard and was eventually murdered while guarding him. Tech blamed Don B. and Big Dawg for the death of his mentor and it was a grudge that he had been struggling to let go of.

  “Son, you think he gonna come back wit his peoples?” Brasco asked excitedly. It had been a while since he had put in some real work and he was spoiling for a good fight.

  “I hope so, so I can lay their whole fucking team out. As a matter of fact, go upstairs and stash this,” he tossed Brasco the chain, “and while you’re up there, get my gun too.” Tech ordered. Brasco hurriedly did as he was told. Tech reached in his pocket and fished out a cigarette, which was now broken. “Damn, nigga broke my loosie. I should go catch him and fuck his ass up again.”

  Animal laughed. “Dawg, you play too much.”

  “Who the fuck said I was playing?” Tech looked at him seriously. “Fuck it; give me this walk to the store.”


  Tech and Animal moved down the street like two shadows, drawing stares from some and causing others to cross the street so as not to cross paths with the two young men. Tech had a reputation throughout Harlem as a bad seed, and his protégé was making quite a name for himself too with some of the sadistic acts attached to his name. As one story went he had tied a rival to a tree in Central Park and smeared honey on his legs before leaving him for the ants. It was Tech who they respected but Animal they were learning to fear.

  “How y’all holding up out there?” Tech asked as they entered the corner bodega.

  Animal shrugged. “It’s moving, but it’s boring as hell just sitting around on the block all day when you’re used to being in the thick of things. Just give me a piece of steel and point me in the direction of the niggaz who’re holding and I’m a happy camper. I ain’t cut out to be no drug dealer, man.

  “You’re cut out to be whatever is gonna put cash in your pocket,” Tech pulled a tall can of Arizona Iced Tea from the store’s cooler and walked it to the counter, where he asked the cashier for two loose cigarettes. “These are rough times so we gotta get it any way we can and if it means selling drugs then you get a pack and hit the turf.”

  “The turf,” Animal repeated while glaring at a crack-head that was in the back of the store stuffing packs of Ramen noodles under her shirt.

  “Look my G, this hand to hand shit ain’t really for none of us but we too hot on the streets right now. Even though everybody knows who we are and what we do but for right now most of them too shook to come see us. We’ve been laying shit down on the regular all summer my G, and its cramping a lot of nigga’s styles. We on hood nigga’s radars and the police! It’s only a matter of time before we get caught with our hands in the cookie jar and end up with an asshole full of time or an asshole full of bullets.” Tech draped his arm around Animal who was pouting like a child. “Homie, as soon as things die down we gonna put this money together and really bust a move. We gonna let the lil homies handle the trap while me you and the girls get back to what we do, feel me?”

  “Yeah, I feel you.” Animal said half heartedly and walked out of the bodega.

  As they were heading back to the building talking amongst themselves, Animal spotted a red Beamer out of the cover of his eye that had slowed to a coast, keeping pace with them. Tech seemed oblivious to it as he continued telling his war story, but Animal’s gun was already in his hand, hanging at his side while he watched the car. As the passenger side window rolled down Animal stepped around Tech and took aim. Tech grabbed his arm just before he pulled the trigger.

  “Chill the fuck out, B. That’s peoples.” Tech held him so he couldn’t draw again.

  Animal watched intently as Tech stepped over to the curb at the same time the passenger side window rolled all the way down. The passenger was a youthful looking light skinned cat who rocked his hair in neat boxed braids that stopped at his shoulders. His predatory eyes soaked Animal up like was fresh kill and Animal matched his stare. He knew Shai Clark’s enforcer Swann by reputation, but this was the first time they’d ever been face to face and Animal already knew that he didn’t like him.

  “Swann, what’s good Blood?” Tech gave him dap through the window.

  “Slow motion,” Swann replied keeping his eyes locked on Animal, who was still holding his gun. “What’s good with ya man; he got a death wish or something?” Swann adjusted the gun on his lap.

  “Nah, he cool. That’s my lil nigga Animal. He always on point for the pop-off.” Tech explained.

  “That’s good, but he needs to be mindful of who the fuck he points that gun at. But fuck all that, I need to holla at you about some business right quick. Hop in,” Swann popped the door locks. Tech looked back at Animal. “Its all good, bring him with you. Just make sure he keeps that hammer under wraps.”

  Tech motioned for Animal to join him before hopping in the back of the Beamer.

  “What’s good Holiday?” Tech greeted the driver, who was watching Animal through the rearview mirror. Holiday was about the same age as Tech but had been putting in work far longer. He was the voice on the streets for one of Shai’s most trusted lieutenants, Big Doc.

  “I can’t call it, man. Just trying to make it from one day to the next.” Holiday replied in his gruff voice.

  “I can dig it. Yo, I’m sorry to hear about Big Doc, family. He was a good nigga.” Tech said sincerely.

  “You mean he is a good nigga,” Holiday corrected him. “Mutha fuckas keep talking about my big homie like he’s dead instead of locked up.”

  “I ain’t mean it like that, Holiday so cool the fuck out.” Tech matched his hostile tone. He had a lot of respect for Holiday but wouldn’t be talked to like an underling.

  “Y’all be easy,” Swann waved his hand and the tension seemed to disappear. “Tech its Big Doc’s situation that brought me down to see you. I need some work put in, but I need somebody I can trust to pull this shit off.”

  “Run it down to me,” Tech leaned forward so he could hear everything Swann had to say.

  “Big Doc is in a bad way right now. They ain’t got nothing on him but the word of a snitch, but it’s enough for them to try to slay my nigga on a conspiracy charge if this goes to trial. The shit bird who pointed the finger at him is supposed to come in to give his testimony to the Grand Jury in two weeks so they can officially indict Doc. I need that nigga to miss his court date.”

  “You ain’t said nothing but a word. Give me his resume and he’s food.” Tech promised.

  “It’s not quite that simple. The police have been trying to put a charge on Doc for the last ten years so they’re handling the situation with kid gloves to make sure it doesn’t get fucked up. The boy has gone underground like the fucking rat he is. The police got their eyes on him at all times, which makes getting to him a very tricky problem, especially for any of our shooters because the law and the streets know what time it is.” Tech opened his mouth to protest but Swann silenced him with a raised finger. “I know it sounds like some real movie shit, which is why I came to The Last Action Hero,” he winked at Tech. “I’ll give you a million cash for the job.”

  Tech thought on it for a minute. A million dollars was more money than he had ever seen in his life, but what Swann was asking of him not only sounded impossible, but it sounded like suicide. “Swann, I appreciate you coming to me with this, but I can’t accept it. There’s no amount of money in the world that would make me take on this dummy mission.”

  “Not even for a seat on The Commission?”

/>   This got both Tech and Animal’s attention. The Commission was the governing body of the underworld in the tri state area. It was initially created by Darius Santana, but the mantle of leadership had past through several hands since his death several years ago. Poppa Clark was the last one to hold the title, before Shai inherited it from him after his murder. To sit with The Commission was to be like a God on the streets, answering only to the ruling body. It was one of the highest honors that could be bestowed upon a criminal.

  Tech sighed. “Swann, for as tempting as your offer is I cant take it. What good will a seat on The Commission be to me if I’m dead or in jail? Sorry, but I can’t…”

  “I’ll do it.” Animal surprised everyone in the room when he spoke out.

  “You?” Swann looked over his shoulder at Animal and started laughing.

  “Animal, be easy.” Tech warned.

  Swann waved Tech silent. “Nah let him talk. I got to hear this one. Shorty, what are you like fifteen or sixteen?”

  “No, I’m seventeen. How old I am ain’t got nothing to do with nothing. What matters is that you got a problem and I’m offering to get rid of the problem.”

  Swann studied Animal’s face to see if he was joking, but he wasn’t. “So what’re gonna do just tip toe past the police and shoot him?”

  Animal smirked, showing the gold plating on his teeth. “It ain’t none of your business how it gets done as long as it gets done. What you need to be concerned about his having that bread ready when the job is done.”

  “What you think, son?” Swann asked Holiday.

  Holiday looked Animal over and shrugged. “Fuck it, if the lil nigga wants to earn his stripes that bad let him.” he turned to Animal. “Just so long as you know that if you get caught and this shit comes back to us I’m gonna body you and everybody you love.”

  Now it was Animal’s turn to laugh. “Mutha fucka who do you think you’re talking to, some dope boy that gives a fuck about your rep on the streets? We all born to die, fam. Be it a year tomorrow or fifty years from now,” he shrugged, “don’t make me too much of a never mind as long as I die a rich nigga. And as far as you killing everybody I love, that works just fine for me because there ain’t a mutha fucka in this world I love, including myself.” Animal said seriously.

  “You’re a ballsy lil nigga, huh?” Swann addressed Animal.

  “Nah, this ain’t got nothing to do with balls, because you can’t judge a man by the size of his nuts but by the size of his heart. Now, if you wanna see just how big my heart is go on and give me this joker’s information and watch how a real nigga moves.”

  Swann thought on it for a minute before handing Animal a manila envelope containing several pictures of his mark and several addresses. Animal thumbed through the information for a few minutes and handed it back to Swann.

  “Ain’t you gonna need this?” Swann asked, holding up the envelope.

  “Nah, I got it stored in here,” Animal tapped himself on the forehead. “That shit you’re holding is too much like evidence so you probably wanna burn it when you get the chance.”

  “You’re a smug little bastard, but I like you. So you really think I can pull this off?” Swann asked.

  Animal paused to watch something out the window that only he could see before answering. “Don’t worry your pretty lil head about it Swann. You’re boy is dead man who just don’t know it yet. That just leaves us with the issue of my price.”

  “Fuck is you talking about, we agreed to a million!” Swann barked.

  “We didn’t agree to shit, homie. You offered Tech a million, but Tech ain’t the one putting this baby to sleep, I am. My price for this lil task will be one point five. A million for me and five hundred thousand for Tech and Tech get his paper up front. You can pay me after I waste this faggot.” Animal started thinking of his brother Justice and how the word of a snitch had gotten him life and it fueled his hatred for the snitch. “Tell you what; to ensure my work and my paper I’ll even bring you his head.”

  Holiday laughed. “You’re a real beast, huh?”

  “I ain’t a beast, I’m an animal.”

  “I’ll speak to Shai about getting you some more change and get back.” Swann told him.

  “You do that, homie, but don’t take too long getting your daddy’s permission to see if you can go to the prom,” Animal said sarcastically. “Now drop me off at the corner. There’s hunting to be done.”


  “What the fuck was that all about?” Tech snarled as he and Animal were walking the few short blocks back to the stoop where they had left Brasco.

  “Wasn’t about nothing, nigga offered some paper to have somebody clipped and I took it. Don’t wet it big homie, its easy money.” Animal said as if it was nothing.

  Without warning Tech grabbed Animal and shoved him against a tree. “Lil nigga do you understand the seriousness of what you just agreed too,” Tech rained spittle in his face, shaking him like a rag doll. “There ain’t no way you can pull this off! You heard Swann say that the police are on him and I guarantee that you’ll wind up dead or in prison if you try to go after him. And if you try to back out now do you know what’s gonna happen? I’ll tell you what; Swann and Holiday are gonna come down here with a death squad and wipe us out!”

  Animal let Tech finish before he responded and when he spoke his voice was calm and steady. “My nigga, I love you like cooked food, but if you don’t take your hands off me you and I are gonna have a situation.” Tech let go of Animal’s shirt. “Thank you. Look Tech, I can dig your apprehension about this whole situation but this job is a necessary evil right now.”

  “And how do you figure that?”

  “Its like you said homie, we gotta get our ones up so we can start making some real moves. I’m tired of living off the scraps of others and this paper will put us in a situation to really make something happen.”

  “Animal you could be killed trying to do this.” Tech tried to reason with him.

  “And whose gonna miss me besides you and maybe China White?” Animal said seriously. Blood, worse case scenario is that I fumble with the mission and you still get to keep that five-hundred thousand. That’s enough money for you to get the team right and keep the movement going. Tech, I got this.” Animal assured him.

  Tech let out a long sigh. “I swear I should’ve left your lil mangy ass where I found you,” Tech put him in a playful headlock. “A’ight, but if you insist upon going on this dummy mission then I’m gonna go with you.”

  “Nah, it don’t make no sense in both of us taking the gamble. Plus the team needs you.”

  “Silk is a good soldier so I’m confidant she can hold it down if something goes to the left. Besides, five hundred thousand of that money is mine and can’t no nigga or bitch ever say they gave me anything for free. Now let’s push this bitch nigga’s cap back.


  Animal sat in a booth at the Galaxy diner on Pennsylvania Ave., staring out the window and drumming his fingers on the table top, as he had been doing for almost six days and nights. On the table in front of him was a juicy looking cheese burger topped with the works. He was too focused on the Galaxy motel that sat directly across the street.

  From the information Swann had laced him with the snitch, whose name was Lionel, was tucked away inside the dive and under constant police guard. There were two of them, who occupied the room right next to Lionel’s, and worked in shifts sitting outside Lionel’s room. Animal had been laying on him trying to track his movements, but every time the cat moved the police moved with him. They even escorted him across the street to the store when he made his daily cigarette run. After the third day Tech wanted to call things off and try giving Swann the money back, but Animal wouldn’t hear of it. He felt like pulling the caper was their best shot at getting the respect they were due on the streets and the bread to keep it that way. He knew that there was a kink in his armor somewhere and on the fourth night he found it.

  Swann had provided Ani
mal with plenty of information but he’d also decided to do his own investigation on the streets and had uncovered a very interesting piece of information about Lionel. Animal knew that was only a matter of time before their shady antics would bring the party train to a screeching halt.

  Just as the waitress was sitting Animal’s fifth glass of water on the table, he noticed movement in the motel parking lot. His keen eyes zeroed in on the side entrance where he saw Lionel stick his skeletal face out the door and peek around before sliding out, minus his two guardians. Looking around like he had the devil on his heels he hurried to the curb jumped in a waiting Livery Cab. Animal dropped a fifty on the table and eased out of the diner to the beat up station wagon in the parking lot, where Tech sat smoking an L with the engine idling.

  “We’ve got movement,” Animal slid into the passenger side and pulled the seatbelt across his chest. “Pull out and bang the left.”